Upgrade to Professional to Access Client Management

Summary Info That Matters

Account Project view captures and compiles client project history allowing you to verify and streamline pricing, and identify trends that can inform decision-making and strategy.

Compare Your Clients

Accounts Overview allows you to identify and compare clients based on various criteria and provide accurate insights for informed decision-making.

Associate Multiple Contacts

Build connections between accounts and contacts like vendors, realtor groups and homeowners they’ve worked with .

Identify All The Key Players

At the project level, identify all of your associated accounts who have an interest in the project, with contact and account details just a click away, no need to leave Stageforce to get contact information.

Only the Details That Matter

Get to know your clients with a comprehensive overview of client associations, preferences, and history for effective relationship management.

Understand Broker Penetration

Understand your market share and capitalize your business by utilizing broker account data.